Frequently Asked Questions |
What is a NREN?
What is AfricaConnect2?
How is AfricaConnect2 funded? AfricaConnect2 is the successor project of AfricaConnect which, between 2011 and 2014, procured and deployed high-speed internet connections throughout Southern and Eastern Africa, thus significantly contributing to the UbuntuNet network. Thanks to its interconnection with the European network GÉANT, it helped create a regional gateway for collaborative research. AfricaConnect2 sets out to extend this success story to the whole continent, thus accelerating the development of the Information Society in Africa and putting the entire continent onto the global R&E networking map.
Why do we need AfricaConnect2? AfricaConnect2 will promote digital inclusion, providing wider access to cutting-edge network resources and reducing the digital disparity between Africa and Europe. It will also further regional integration by linking research and academic communities throughout the continent. Improved connectivity will support applications with high societal impact, thus contributing significantly to population welfare and sustainable development across Africa. Furthermore, many of today's global challenges, such as climate change or epidemic diseases, require global collaboration to tackle their specific local impacts. AfricaConnect2 will fully integrate African researchers into the global Information Society to help identify and deliver local and global solutions.
How is AfricaConnect2 organised?
A group of European NRENs (CYNET in Cyprus, GARR in Italy, GRNET in Greece, RENATER in France and in Spain) are also involved in support and training activities. Does AfricaConnect2 allow Africa to interconnect with other world regions?Yes. AfricaConnect has already established direct connections to the pan-European GÉANT network from South and Eastern Africa via London and Amsterdam. In addition, the EUMEDCONNECT network also currently links Algeria to Europe via Milan. AfricaConnect2 will continue to develop new direct connections from Africa to Europe, especially from West and Central Africa. T hanks to GÉANT's interconnections with other regional networks (from America to South-East Asia), the whole African continent will be fully connected to the global research and education community.
Who are the project partners?
How long will AfricaConnect2 run?
What plans are in place for networking after AfricaConnect2? Any type of not-for-profit research and education activity can use the network. It is especially suited to data-intensive, bandwidth-hungry projects requiring reliable high-speed connectivity, but can equally be used to provide fast access to conventional web-based resources from all over Africa and other parts of the world. Specific research applications cover areas such as health, bio-medical sciences, climate, agriculture, education and environment.
How successful do you think
the AfricaConnect2 project will be? The demand for high-speed reliable bandwidth for research and education in Africa is high. AfricaConnect2 comes at a time when global collaboration needs to be the norm if we want to solve the challenges faced by humanity. By enabling students, researchers and academics to exchange precious information quickly and in a reliable way, AfricaConnect2 will accelerate the development of global societal and scientific breakthroughs, establishing Africa as a major player in the fields of research and education.
Why should research and education communities use AfricaConnect2?
How do I connect to AfricaConnect2?
Click here for contact details. If you are an education or research institution, please contact your local NREN to gain network access. |